Friday, March 21, 2008

Technically Challenged

For those of you that know me very well, I'm well, let's say technically challenged to say the least. So let's hear a big hip-hip-hooray for Ruth who not only figured out her new digital camera (by herself), took 2 three-year olds for photos (by herself), down-loaded them (by herself), and made a slide show (you get the idea). I have missed taking all the pictures that I used to. It felt good to get back into it. Some of you might notice the influence of a certain local, but famous, photographer... James was VERY cooperative as soon as ice-cream was mentioned as a reward for good behavior. I'm happy to have some cute photos of the kid because he is usually too busy being a boy to pose for photos. He reminds me so much of his daddy that I can hardly stand it. Rachel however was a little bit more of a challenge today- let's just say that I'm satisfied that she is not wearing her swimsuit that she has insisted on for the last 3 days. Anyways, hope you like it. Is it concieted to think that your children are the most beautiful ever made or is that just a mom thing? Either way, I'm lucky.


4HandyKids said...

Those pictures are great! You have inspired me to get out and do the same. You say ice cream does the trick... I'll let you know how it goes!

Shannon and Andrew said...

Those pics turned out so great. What program do use to edit them??