Friday, March 14, 2008

Too Good To Be True

My very wise parents always taught me, "Sometimes if it sounds too good to be true, it often is." I seem to be learning that lesson the hard way lately. Our house deal fell through- we did not meet the reserve with our auction bid (Way off in fact). Which means that we are back to square one and looking for a deal again. So, those in Temecula are stuck with us a little longer. Never fear, we Durstelers are tough! :) Ruth


Tami said...

Oh Ruth - bummer! Sorry to hear it. Though I know things always work out for the best. You'll end up where you are supposed to be. We're happy to have you longer!

4HandyKids said...

Bummer! I bet something better is coming your way!

whitty-acres said...

I agree- sad to hear but something better will come along. We love you ruthie!