Monday, November 26, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We got together with Julie/Sterling/cousins and had a lovely meal. Julie sure can cook! Of course we were missing many of our extended family and hope that everyone had a nice holiday. The day was filled with the usual viewing of the parade and football games, dinner, then games for the grown-ups (Wyatt and I beat the pants off Julie and Sterling in couples Pictionary). Rachel and James are starting to really enjoy the company of their cousins- in fact, Rachel is infatuated with Iris who seems like such a big girl to her although they are the same size. Rachel came home copying how Iris says, "so" to describe things. For instance, the next day she told me, "James is SO silly." It sounded like little Iris had come over for a visit. James started exclaming "AH MAN!" the way that Carmen does. Maybe we need to hang out with the cousins more often and to get the twins talking better! Now only if potty-training would rub off...

On Saturday, the family went to pick out a tree. We were really missing the tradition of going out to the farm with all the Durstelers to pick out our trees. In Californina, Target is the best we can do. Anyways, we turned on the Christmas music, passed out the Santa hats to decorate. The kids thought that this was great fun and got into the Christmas Spirit. Just wait until they understand that presents go under the tree. Then they will REALLY get excited. :) Ruth

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Catch up!

Since we are just getting started with the site, I thought that it would be fun to include some favorite photos from this year.
These are of the Grover Family trip to Lake Tahoe in March. It was very fun to all get together at my brother, John's place. Wyatt was thrilled to get some skiing in. He really misses the mountains and snow. John and Wyatt get along really well and love to do outdoorsy skiing or mountain biking whenever they can. The "cousins" all had fun together- we had 4 two-year olds in the house. I love the thought that my kids have lots of cousins around their age on both sides of the family. We hope that they will all be close.

Photos courtesy of Mrs. Wendy Whitacre- a best bud, turned photographer. Let's face it, the girl's got skills. Check out her blog at

James is a boy's boy- busy, creative, determined and strong. He is also my sense-of-humor throughout the day. Like how he very seriously will wear a bucket on his head with his shirt on backwards, carrying a dress-up purse full of rocks and think that is completly expected and normal. He has these handsome brown eyes that remind me of his father and make me love him even more. Don't be fooled though, often in those eyes is a hint of mischief. I can't wait until he starts really telling me all that goes on inside that stubborn head of his.

Rachel is the sunshine in our lives. We are so lucky to have her! She is our dimpled, giggling, spunky, bright and very silly little girl. :) She is quite the talker these days and parrots anything we say. Her best bud is our sweet dog Saddie. They have spent hours together each day since she was able to be outside. I even find them snuggling together somedays- just layin' on the grass in the sunshine. Rachel has a tender place in her heart for animals much how I did growing up. Simply darling.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Fall fun (10-20-07)

This was a warm day in mid-October when Rachel was in an exceptional mood, laughing and wrestling with the dog in the back yard. What a cutie!

Happy Halloween! (10-31-07)

We had a very fun Halloween this year. It was the first time that the kids really understood trick-or-treating. We met up with their Hirsch cousins at Harveston on a quest for candy.
Rachel loved the whole dressing up process and was so excited to be a "bunny." She was practicing hopping and wiggling her nose. When I painted her face and nose with my make-up, she said, "I'm a PRETTY bunny!"

James was not too thrilled about his puppy dog outfit. I had previously gotten him a dinosaur costume, but he refused to wear it because it was too "scary." So like a good mom, I pulled together a less scary, Spot the puppy dog costume the night before Halloween. He was not too thrilled about that either. He wouldn't even put on his "ears" for the picture or let me paint a spot around his eye or a brown nose. When we met up with his cousins and starting getting candy at each door, he put on those ears and played along. If a nice person at the door would hold the candy bowl down for them to pick their favorite piece of candy, he willingly obliged and then would take another...and another... Overall, it was a very great night!